This tutorial will show you how to register for the Swap service in the BitFrost Wallet

First you will need to navigate to our Swap page, that is the round arrow symbol second from the left at the bottom of the application, on that page you will need click the Register your Account button. 

That brings you to the terms and conditions page, please read the terms and when you are ready press the Agree button

Then you need to create a password to use with the Swap service, make sure it includes letters, numbers and symbols. Then press Next at the bottom of the screen

You will then receive an activation email to you selected, please note it could take up to 5 minutes to receive the activation email.

After you press the confirmation button you will be redirected to our confirmation page

Then you are registered for the Swap service and can start exploring the potential of our swap service.

For further instruction on how to use swap please visit the guide on how to use the swap service