In this tutorial we will show you the steps needed to get your Recovery Phrase inside the BitFrost Wallet

First you need to navigate to the Wallet overview page of BitFrost. You should automatically be there when you log into your wallet. From there you need to select the wallet you want to get the Recovery Phrase for. This you do by clicking on the desired wallet.  

From the next wallet page you select the gear symbol in the top right corner, that brings you to the options page of the selected wallet.

From this options page you select Backup Wallet, when you push that you are brought to a Recovery Phrase page, write that phrase down and keep it safe as it can be used to recover your wallet. You can also save your QR code and keep that, when you scan that you are shown your phrase.

Keeping this code is your fail-safe to recover your wallet in case you loose your phone or other issues arise.